Reserved dates & times

Attention! Below a list with date/times which already are planned and occupied! So please choose a free day, or a starting-time at least three hours before, or directly after an existing booking.
De column 'opr set' means that we have planned in operator(s), but is always under the condition. See you soon!
day date occupied from till bookingsnr opr set (o.v.)
Saterday 07-12-2024 13:30 16:30 2774 yes
Saterday 14-12-2024 10:00 13:00 2787 yes
Monday 16-12-2024 13:30 16:30 2802 yes
Wednesday 18-12-2024 14:00 17:00 2800 yes
Thursday 19-12-2024 14:30 17:30 2794
Sunday 22-12-2024 13:00 16:00 2801
Monday 30-12-2024 14:00 17:00 2795 yes
Wednesday 08-01-2025 13:00 16:00 2803
Saterday 11-01-2025 15:00 18:00 2805 yes
Saterday 25-01-2025 14:00 17:00 2804
Sunday 09-02-2025 13:30 16:30 2766