Reservation form
A booking is allways final! In case of unforeseen circumstances we contact you.
Please provide us your information for this booking. See our Privacydeclaration. We store statistics only for policy making. The fields marked with * are mandatory.
Go back to the website. Use the Dutch version / Nederlandse versie
Primary contact
mr ms / name *
first name
e-mail address *
telephone *
The booking-data
In principle you book for 3 hours. (If you want another time, do say so in the remark-field below)
You can only book a week after today due to availabilty and planning of our instructors.
date * (click calender-icon) Check occupied dates on the agenda
start time *  On Wednesdays not after 15:00!
nr of persons *
average age *
Any flight-experience?   yes    no
our reason is
we found you via
other wishes or remarks (max 250char)
do you want to receive a confirmation?  
Fill in the code